The Sabbats: sabbat cal


This is a time for the new and out with the old,forget the problems in the past get your new plans on the go.



This is the celebration of the rebirth of the sun. It's traditional at this time to light a candle in honor of the sun's rebirth.  



This is a time for collecting wild flowers, going to see natures beauty and to free yourself of anything that is holding you back.  



This is a time for self-discovery, love and developing your potential for personal growth.  
Summer Solstice:


The longest day is a time for light, healing and love





This is a celebration of the first fruits of the harvest. It is a time to teach others what you have learned in the past, to share your achievements with the world.





It is a time of balance, but the light gives way to the dark. Good reason to go into the forests and collect dried fruits and leaves for your magick workings.



This is the witches' new year. it is said the the veil between the worlds is very thin at this time. This is a feast time, when you give food and drink offerings to the spirits (also known as Halloween).